Part 26: The Rhythm of Rage Pounds the Ground!

We'll deal with that grunt later.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Probably for the good of the Go-Rock Squad's bank account.
Music: Go-Rock Squad Battle (Weak Grunt)

As you might have expected, Sneasel moves very quickly. Combined with Meowth hindering us while being hard to capture by itself (stop jumping!

It also seems like the captures are getting more and more annoying as time goes on!
The game has to make the captures harder somehow, after all.

Both Pokemon have to stop when it's cutting, though, so that's a great time to use an assist.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 42/45/48/52
Kind of a crap reward for the effort required!
Music: Olive Volcano

"You think"? Do you even know what's your squad's objective?

Let's be honest, there's a really good chance it's almost entirely about money.

Oh, hello. We haven't seen you since, what, the end of the first mission?
Doesn't seem like it was all that long ago, and now here's the first boss just a regular enemy. How time flies, huh?
In any case, there's nothing beyond, so time to deal with the other grunt.
Music: Go-Rock Squad!

Um, no?

Oh yeah, totally it's... generic faceless Go-Rock grunt #23. You know... them!

They're dealt with in 3 seconds.
Music: Olive Volcano

Oh, you're that guy. Sorry

They feel bad for stealing the Politoed but not enough to quit the Go-Rocks. Welp.

Up ahead, we find...

Well that was pointless.

Oh, look! It's the Pokemon Spenser captured. How did it get to Fall City?

Is that the only Houndoom in the game?
No, but it's funnier to think otherwise.

Its attack is just like the one from the tutorial.

Required Loops: 6
Possible EXP: 60/66/72/80

Moving forward leads us to the area just above the challenges.

*The screen shakes*

I feel kinda bad for calling Aria a jerk now.
To be fair, she didn't give out the best first impression.
There's a save point just off screen, so the stairs is obviously where the boss is. So we'll avoid it for now...

Poliwhirl is not strong enough, so we're not going through this right now.

Instead, we'll just capture this Charmander, our second to last starter. Bulbasaur is still nowhere to be found.

Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 25/29/33/39
That's everything here, though. Not much can be done without cooling down the lava.
Which means it's time to deal with the boss.
Well that was a pointless side-trip.
Video: Slaking
Music: Go-Rock Quads!

Just going right into it, huh?
Holy shit! Slaking is huge!
Music: Go-Rock Quads Battle

Remember Clyde's part in the slogan? Apparently that's almost literal. And yes, those rocks will deal damage if hit.

Unlike what you'd think, Slaking actually moves constantly. At a normal pace, too.
And, to make matters worse, it requires a whopping 17 loops. It's not 23 loops, but still...
What? Why!? Slaking's whole gimmick is that it's lazy as hell. Why break that up now? They could have even incorporated the truancy into making the fight harder, putting little damage clouds or something around it that only show up when it's resting!
It's kind of a missed opportunity, I'd say.

Fighting assist would've been amazing here, but Fire will have to do. Like the game said earlier, Fire assist will create an explosion after making a loop. The explosion will cause all Pokemon caught in it to become startled, which means that they won't break the line by contact nor will they do any attack.
What the game doesn't explicitly say is that the loop doesn't have to contain the Pokemon, but doing that means the explosion probably won't hit it either. And that the explosion's effect only last for two seconds with a cooldown before the Pokemon can be startled again.

This means that Fire is much better for Pokemon with low required loops. For Pokemon with high required loops (like Slaking), we do actually need to be careful.
Don't get me wrong; Fire is still one of the most useful assists. It's just not THE most useful.
Not everything can be electric assist!

Slaking might take a long time, but it's definitely not Salamence or Charizard levels of difficulty.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 17
Possible EXP: 200/210/220/230/240/250/260
For a so-called prodigy, failing against Slaking is kinda disappointing...

Music: Olive Volcano

There's only one thing to do now: go up there and see the Go-Rock Squad's leader for the first time.
Is it weird if I think it's kind of a good plan to just send your minions out to delay the heroes for as long as possible? Not to stop them, but to delay them.
New Music: Gordor

...Er, the second time.
What was it I said earlier? 'Mods change my name to telephone because I fucking called it?'

You should've taken the Toxx,

Meh! I don't really feel like gambling with the health of my account.

Circe isn't gullible! She's just doing her job!

Gordor's Laugh: 8

Now I can understand why the grunt earlier sounds like she doesn't know what her boss wants.
My theory still holds water. Some day I might share what it is!

He's petty as fuck.

You know what we have to do.
Video: Entei + 2 Magmar
Music: Wild Boss Pokemon Encounter

No, the video title is not wrong.

As soon as the battle starts, Entei calls in two Magmar. In retaliation, I call in Plusle.
Two helper magmar just feels petty.
Gordor's plan is petty, so this feels appropriate.

That's one less speedbump to deal with.
At least they're gone quickly!

Entei shoots flames straight ahead consecutively, just like Magmar. But unlike Magmar, it can actually change directions mid-combo.

...And that's all it does. For a legendary Pokemon, Entei is pathetic.
Go back and watch the video. Num isn't showing you the sheer number of failed captures because Entei is a capricious jerk who likes to breathe fire at inopportune moments. It looked almost entirely luck-based instead of skill-based!

Just to make it even more pathetic, we'll trivialize it using a Pokemon that can be found in any cave.

It's worth noting that using Rock assist causes a knockback. So it's entirely possible to push the Pokemon into the edge of the screen, where it's literally impossible to capture.

What a joke. Even Slaking is harder just because there's no effective assist available against it.
Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 13
Possible EXP: 380/394/408/422/436/450
At least you get one heck of a reward!
Music: Gordor

Aside from finding them in the first place, you mean.
The incompetency of the Go-Rocks is really this region's only saving grace

Gordor's Laugh: 9

It's almost like you two had just one thing you didn't have to do. Something that required you to do literally nothing. And yet you still failed.
Aria failed in her mission too, so I guess we're not worse off than her.
Music: Olive Volcano

*Pokemon cry*

*Charizard flies around for a bit before leaving*

*All of them leave*
This brings up the question of whether the fourth challenge just has that Charizard be constantly injured. Or whether the Go-Rocks were the ones who did it.
Billy said that they injured the Charizard